I don't need anything NEW, I've got a battle to fight!
Many people don't like change. Some salespeople will say "We don't need
any new mattresses, I'll just keep selling innersprings." We ask that
your keep an open mind and read this little booklet. After a good reading you
will come to realize that Supple-Pedic really is a great product, and worth your
time to present to customers. Supple-Pedic is a powerful new technology that
will help you in your battle for consumer dollars and more commissions.
Help People
Supple-Pedic gives you the opportunity to perform a true public service. You can
help many, many people to sleep better at night and feel better during the day!
Testimonials abound of how Supple-Pedic has helped people achieve freedom from
back and other pain, sleep better, and feel better. You can feel good that you
have helped people relieve pain and feel better by selling Supple-Pedic. See
pages 50-54 for customer and doctor quotes.
Little Competition
Supple-Pedic is a patented product and is only available from Strobel. We don't
sell to every dealer in town and it is unlikely that a consumer can cross shop
you. This helps protect your commissions and sales volume.
Purity of Product
Supple-Pedic sells because of it's simplicity and performance. It is a mattress
and is designed to be slept on. It offers the most comfort and best back support
of any mattress on the market. American innerspring mattress manufacturers have
told you for years that looks, tickings, name, and fashion is what sells
mattresses. Indeed most innerspring mattresses are so similar that this is all
that distinguishes the various products and price points. Understandably it may
be difficult for you to get away from this thinking.
In Europe almost all tickings are shades of white. The European consumer
demands it this way. They want their bedding to be clean, sanitary and simple.
They want comfort and performance from their bedding, not overdone opulence.
They shudder at the thought of a colored ticking under their sheets. Many more
Americans are becoming of the same thinking. We want to draw attention to the
comfort and performance of our beds, which is what makes them sell. Not the look
and ticking. We use the highest quality white Belgian damask available on
Supple-Pedic mattresses. No pillowtops because that would take away from the
performance of the bed. We even use the same ticking on different models. We
also offer the simplicity of a stretch cover option. So in the typical American
showroom, our mattresses stand out from the rest, they get attention because
they are different. Our mattresses force the consumer to compare construction,
support, and comfort. The real reason they buy a mattress. As a result, our
mattresses sell better.
Market Share
Specialty bedding represents over 20% of the bedding business.
Cutting-edge upper end bedding retailers have been extremely successful selling
specialized bedding products. And this market is the fastest growing category in
the bedding industry! This category of bedding offers less competition, higher
tickets, and better commissions. And since many dealers are not involved in
specialty bedding it could easily become much more than 20% of your bedding
NEW Technology
In this fast changing world people are now more than ever accepting and
wanting new technology products that will improve their lives, health, and
comfort. Supple-Pedic is the new technology in bedding. Many people are
intrigued by it, want it, and will pay more for it.
As the baby-boomers age, so does the incidence of back and neck
problems. This group has a very high disposable income and buys what they
want. These are Supple-Pedic customers.
Great Product
Supple-Pedic truly lives up to it's claims. It has a wonderful feel,
people love it. It feels both soft and comfortable, yet firm and supportive at
the same time. It molds to the shape of your body like no other mattress. People
get excited about the feel of the bed. If you show it to people and ask their
opinion, most fall in love with the feel, many will buy on the spot, and some
will buy even though they were not currently in the market for a mattress. They
love the bed that much!
Present Supple-Pedic to Every Customer
This may sound like a tall order but it is worth your time. Even though your
customer may not be in the market for a new mattress, a short presentation will
often convince them that Supple-Pedic is far superior to their mattress at home.
They may tell family and friends about the new technology they saw at your store
and send them in, or they may come back with a spouse, or on a fair percentage
of occasions they will buy on the spot.
True Additional Commissions
A customer who was not shopping for a mattress and ends up buying
Supple-Pedic is truly a commission you would not otherwise have gotten. A
customer who was shopping for a new mattress and buys Supple-Pedic will
typically spend more than they would have if they had purchased an innerspring.
You get a higher ticket and more commission.
P.S. Don't Forget Supple-Pedic Pillows
They are proven to sell very well in Furniture, Mattress, and Specialty stores.
People love them. They help many people with neck and back problems. Presenting
a pillow will often lead to a presentation and sale of the Supple-Pedic
mattress. With or without a mattress sale everyone could use this pillow. A nice
addition to your commissions.
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