Lever-Spring Support vs. Firmness
Scientifically Proven Best Back Support
Does not cut off blood circulation
Clinically Proven Better Sleep
Doctors Prescribe Supple Pedic Mattresses
Replaceable/Changeable/Air-able Components
30 Year Mattress Life/Warranty
Patented New Technology
Let me show you a new technology product we have and get your opinion. The
really break-through research usually comes from smaller companies, not the big
ones. This is the case with mattresses. A company called Strobel holds the
patent on this technology and the big brand names simply can't legally offer it
to you.
Lever-Spring System
The Lever-Spring System is the real key of this technology. The Lever-Springs
conform to the shape of your body and give quality support with out unnecessary
Demonstrate: Show graphic of Leverman on Lever-Springs in brochure or foot
Conventional coils can only respond to downward force with increasing pressures, the more they are depressed, the more pressure against your body. The Lever-spring can give way while, like a teeter-totter, the other end of the lever will push up to support your back, and conform to the shape of your body. Combine this with a thick layer of a revolutionary new material called Polyfilax,TM and you have the most comfortable and supportive sleep possible. Best back support. Clinically proven better sleep.
Demonstrate: Use pen and finger to show how one end of lever goes up while
you push other end down.
Lever-Spring Support vs. Firmness
The firmness myth has been perpetuated by the innerspring mattress industry. To
differentiate their products they either use thicker steel in the coils or use
more coils, both of which create a firmer mattress. Both of these options also
cost a little more money and the industry has taught people that firmer is
better to up sell their products. A steel coil can only respond to downward
pressure with an equally opposing force. Thus the further you depress the coil
the more pressure it pushes back with to create pressure points on the body.
While it is true that you need proper spinal alignment and support, Supple-Pedic
achieves this in a different way. Our Lever-Spring system conforms to the shape
of a person's body giving proper spinal alignment and support. This conforming
support eliminates pressure points for greatest comfort and better sleep while
providing scientifically proven best back support.
Scientifically Proven Best Back Support
Again the conforming support of the Lever-Spring system is the key.
Demonstrate: Show graph of back support on back of brochure or on foot display.
Back Pain Relief
Doctors and many users report that Supple-Pedic relieves back pain. See customer
testimonials on other pages . Doctors quotes on
other pages
The top 3" to 6" of the mattress is Polyfilax depending on the model.
Man has long sought the perfect cushioning material. From the invention of the
innerspring mattress in 1871 to cotton, rubber, and standard foam padding, the
search has continued. Modern science now gives us Polyfilax. The most perfect
material to date. This remarkably fluid material conforms exactly to the shape
of your body giving near perfect all-over support and comfort
Space Age Material
Polyfilax is a revolutionary material similar to what was originally developed
for the NASA space program for a pressure relief surface for the astronauts at
lift off. Polyfilax completely conforms to the body to provide even support
without high pressure points.
Temperature Sensitivity
Polyfilax senses and responds to your body temperature. After initially
conforming to your body, this amazing material will sense your body heat and
conform even more perfectly. Yet the open cell structure breathes, so heat
doesn't build up and make you feel unpleasantly warm. Polyfilax is a slow
recovery material, and even though it allows for a complete body impression, it
will always return to it's original shape and will never sag or feel lumpy.
Demonstrate: Unzip mattress cover and depress your hand into Polyfilax, then remove to show impression. Then allow customer to do so. Alternatively, have customer feel cube or pillow.
Does not cut off blood circulation
Supple-Pedic gives the lowest pressures of any type of mattress. This gives the
greatest comfort and best sleep possible. It also improves circulation to vital
parts of the body.
Demonstrate: Show graph of Relative pressures of Mattresses on back cover of brochure or on foot display.
Toss and Turn 90% Less!
Supple-Pedic is clinically proven to reduce tossing and turning, resulting in a
more restful and refreshing night's sleep. A doctor researching Supple-Pedic
found that nighttime movements were reduced by 90%. In a conventional bed high
pressure points are created which cut off blood circulation. You toss and turn
in an unconscious effort to keep your blood circulating. Often you awake to have
a limb feel numb. In bedridden patients these pressure points, and resultant
loss of circulation, are what cause bedsores. This is why many hospitals use
Supple-Pedic mattresses. For the normal person, you get a better night's sleep.
And better sleep is clinically proven.
Clinically Proven Better Sleep
No other mattress can make this claim! Not Sealy, Simmons, Serta, or any other
mattress on the market. While all brands say you will sleep better on their
mattress their claims are just slogans or puffery that is allowed by law. Others
have tried for years and years to get actual research that you sleep better on
their mattress, none have ever succeeded. Only Supple-Pedic with it's
Lever-Spring system has actual scientific research that proves people will sleep
better on Supple-Pedic!
Research done at a major University Hospital Sleep Center, one of the most renowned and respected sleep centers in the country, Proves that: 9 out of 10 people sleep much better on the Supple-Pedic mattress. You could too!
This research is unprecedented. No other type of mattress has ever shown superiority over another in sleep quality in actual research. Supple-Pedic succeeded: The first mattress in history that is proven to provide better sleep.
Doctors Prescribe Supple Pedic Mattresses
o Better, More Comfortable Sleep
o Improved Circulation
o Hypoallergenic, and Dust Mite Free
o Total Body Support-No Pressure Points
o Back Pain Relief
"The patented design for equal support incorporated with space age polymers, gives comfort not seen in any other mattress. It is truly the mattress for the next millennium. I give Supple-Pedic a resounding endorsement." - Dr. Brian Anseeuw, DC, MD
" the support this system provides is critical to better health. I honestly believe that Supple-Pedic beds provide the best nights sleep on earth." - Dr. John A. Wisman, DC
"The Strobel Supple-Pedic Mattress is improving sleep quantity and depth reducing pain and increasing quality of life. The Strobel Supple-Pedic Mattress reduced night time movements by 90% This begs the query, 'Are the nocturnal sleep disorders due to the inner spring mattress? Sleeping on the Supple-Pedic Bed is like 'Butter melting on to fresh sourdough bread.'" - Dr. Richard W. Powell, MD
See more doctor quotes on other pages
Your bed partner's movements simply cannot be felt through the mattress.
Removable/Cleanable Cover
Europeans have used removable and cleanable mattress covers for years.
Allergens, Bacteria, and ammonia from perspiration will build up in the mattress
cover creating unsanitary conditions. Every mattress cover should be cleaned
every six months to one year. Supple-Pedic's zippered cover allows this; a
feature people love and buy.
Replaceable/Changeable/Air-able Components
The inner components of Supple-Pedic are three or more separate layers:
Polyfilax, Lever-Spring unit, and base. Each layer can be taken out separately
and aired out. If a component should ever need replacement, you can change just
that part without having to replace the entire mattress. Conversely you can
create different feels in a dual system for two sleepers. If one wants a softer
feel such as the 6000 and the other wants the firmer feel of the 3000, you can
achieve this in one mattress with Supple-Pedic.
Easily Moved and UPS shippable
Due to the layer system each layer can be rolled up and carried separately. This
allows one person to move the mattress even in a car. It also allows the
mattress to be shipped by UPS.
No Turning Required
Supple-Pedic was designed as a one-sided mattress to give best support and
comfort of any mattress. Because of this and the quality of materials used you
will never have to flip a heavy mattress again.
Dust Mite Free
Dust Mites simply cannot live in Polyfilax or any other component of the
mattress due to the nature of the material.
The natures of the materials in Supple-Pedic are simply non-allergenic.
Accepts Adjustable Beds
Unlike most innersprings, Supple-Pedic does not have a border wire and is
flexible enough to use on any adjustable bed base.
30 Year Mattress Life/Warranty
In testing with the Octagonal Roller Test the Supple-Pedic endured over 300,000
cycles, or 600,000 passes of a 240 pound roller with no perceptible damage.
Three times the normal length of the test. The equivalent of over 30 years
actual use. Accordingly we offer 5-year non-prorated/20 prorated warranty on
Supple-Forma mattresses, and 10-year non-prorated/30 prorated warranty on
Supple-Pedic 3000, 4500, and 6000 models.
Supple-Pedic uses quality new technology materials that are simply more
expensive than conventional materials. An innerspring unit is mostly air with
steel coils taking up the space in the mattress. They are much less expensive
than the solid components of the Supple-Pedic.
With a mattress life of over thirty years supple-Pedic is a good value. It is often said that a typical innerspring mattress should be replaced every seven years. Supple-Pedic lasts more than four times longer than a typical innerspring. If a person purchased an innerspring set for $700 and it lasted seven years it would cost $100 per year. If a person purchased a Supple-Pedic set for $3,000 and it lasted thirty years it would also cost $100 per year, or if the Supple-Pedic set costs $1,500, it would cost only $50 per year. Supple-Pedic is the better value.
Supple-Pedic mattresses are an amazing experience. As you lie on the bed it
begins to embrace you as you sink into the mattress and feel it's conforming to
every part of your body. First you feel it soothe you between your shoulder
blades, then in the small of your back. Then you notice there are no pressure
points, every point of your body is relaxed and comfortable. You feel
weightless, contented, relaxed, at ease, dreamy, secure!
Supple-Pedic gives the lowest pressures of any mattress on the market. As a result of this and proper support, it is simply the most comfortable mattress in the world.
Better Health
Clinically Proven Better Sleep, Scientifically Proven Best Back Support,
Hypo-Allergenic, Cleanable Cover, Pain Relief, Lowest Pressures, Improved
circulation, Less Tossing and Turning, Most Comfort: All of this translates to
better health. You will feel better and look better. You will enjoy life to the
fullest if you sleep on aSupple-Pedic and your friends will envy you. How much
is all of this worth to you? Is it worth the cost of a Supple-Pedic? How do you
put a price on having better health? It's Priceless!
Supple-Pedic Pillows
The Supple-Pedic Pillow uses the same new material as the Supple-Pedic Mattress,
the revolutionary Polyfilax.
o Orthopedic, helps neck and back problems
o Hypoallergenic
o Pressure-Relieving
o The Most Comfortable Pillow!
Optional Points to Cover
Better Sex?
Approach this topic very carefully. Be very sure of your relationship with your
customer and their values before using these points in a presentation. Some
people might be offended! We will present here what we have been told.
Couples have told us that Supple-Pedic enhances intimacy.
The bed was named Supple because a woman in our company told us the bed felt Supple, like a woman's breast.
They say that: Two things are better on a Supple-Pedic, one of them is sleep
Supple-Pedic is a unique patented product and really has no competition. Similar
products should probably not be mentioned unless you have to deal with it as an
A mattress similar to the Supple-Pedic is imported from Europe but does not have the advantage of the Lever-Spring system. It costs more. A mattress takes a lot of space in a container on an ocean ship. Why pay more for this extra freight, import tax, and distribution costs? This competing product does not even achieve pressure point readings as low as the Supple-Pedic.
Other products might have a thin layer of a material that seems similar to Polyfilax over a standard innerspring unit or simply over a block of standard foam. Their material is vastly different from Polyfilax, it does not have anywhere near the same conformability or pressure reliving qualities of Polyfilax. Their material simply has a lot more air in it and does not have the same cell structure. Most importantly they do not have the patented Lever-Spring unit. The Lever-Spring system is really the key to body conformity, back support, and Clinically Proven Better Sleep.
Lever-Spring Support vs. Firmness
Scientifically Proven Best Back Support
Does not cut off blood circulation
Clinically Proven Better Sleep
Doctors Prescribe Supple Pedic Mattresses
Replaceable/Changeable/Air-able Components
30 Year Mattress Life/Warranty